a Matlab unit testing framework


The short story...

The main reason of this page is to fill in this space I got myself some years ago. I am using it for other purposes, but the initial intend was to make available to anyone a Matlab® Unit Testing framework I developped in my spare time for professional use. Although I had a basic version and reached a point of reasonable usability (test suites, setups, teardowns, no need for special folders, etc... the bare essentials), I hadn't been as far enough as to have a GUI.

Apparently such framework was later developed by XTargets. I haven't had the opportunity to try it, nor do I know if it is still maintained, but it looks like the one I'd been looking for at the time.

And a longer one...

Read the short story first...

After a DEA in computer science (French degree), I have been developing comprehensive Matlab applications dealing with multivariate statistical process control (multivariate statistical analysis actually) for the Centre of Process Analytics and Control Technology (CPACT) and Newcastle University. In this area, testing your code using datasets is something crucial to validate it (the code, that is).

I happen to have found out about eXtreme Programming back in 2003, and I quite got into it. Did read a few Ron Jeffries, Kent Beck (et al.) articles/books, and it all made sense to me. Obviously, the most I could do on my own was Dave Astels XP41 flavour, but I felt Test Driven Development was something I could put into action straight away. I just needed a unit testing framework...

The fact that The MathWorks™ have greatly improved their editor (among many other areas), including facilities to manage/test the code, I wouldn't be surprised if some tool like a unit testing harness would get included in a release in a near future. Then again, I might have a (biased) software developer view...


The previously mentioned XTargets website seems now defunct, although a patch exists to be able use it with the latest Matlab versions.

Alternatives include mlUnit initially by Thomas Dohmke, hosted on Sourceforge, which also has a GUI.

As previously (almost) predicted, The MathWorks now provide their Testing Framework :) ...

Fabrice Pabois, 2005.